Another silly project. Just cuz.


June 12, 2012 by Caroline Mincks

I think one of the easiest ways for us to save money is for us to eat on a tighter budget.

Boom. Depression Diet gone.

While that’s kind of a bummer (because I enjoyed being crunchy for a while), I have been feeling a lot better lately. And I mean a lot. I’m still having issues with patience and not beating myself up over minor things, but I’m not feeling nearly as anxious as I did before. So I think it will be okay to deviate at least a bit as long as I stay reasonably healthy and continue exercising.

I went to the grocery store yesterday and went insane. I bought so much food. So. Much. Food. But all of it was on sale! I’m going to see if, by being careful (and making one additional run for fresh produce), I can get us through the end of the month on that particular haul. I’m hoping that a combination of creative crockpottery (shut up, it’s totally a word) and budgeting our groceries wisely will make this a possibility. And if it works, then I’ll know that I can definitely make this a regular thing.

Groceries have always been my weakness. I love to cook. I love to go to a grocery store and buy anything that looks pretty and tasty…but it’s expensive. And I need to stop pretending like we can just burn money whenever I feel like it! I’m going to spend the rest of this month figuring out a strategy to get our groceries down to between $100-$150 a month, maximum. I’m sure we can do it as long as I am serious about shopping sales. Hell, add in some smart couponing and I could possibly come in under budget.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

One thought on “Another silly project. Just cuz.

  1. forsarap says:

    Love the concept! Can’t wait for more posts!

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